The Other Art Fair - Los Angeles ART EXHIBITSJennifer CroweOctober 25, 2021art fair, Los Angeles, Saatchi art, The Other Art Fair, art showComment
Learning to Listen to Your Gut LIFE, TRAVEL, ART PRACTICEJennifer CroweJuly 29, 2020moving, Santa Barbara, Los Angeles, RV life, on the road, road trip, pop up, uncertainty, riskComment
Women Supporting Women. JEWELRY, ART EXHIBITSJennifer CroweApril 10, 2019Los Angeles, jewelry, artisan jewelry, handcrafted jewelry
The End of an Era LIFEJennifer CroweNovember 2, 2018moving, Los Angeles, artist life, change, selling a home, life changes, feeling lost, RV life, southern CaliforniaComment