New Stretched Handwoven Canvas Paintings


I’ve been weaving for a few years now. The fluidity and freedom of Saori weaving hit me the first time I sat down at the loom.

I had been making jewelry pretty much full time since 2009 and although I loved it, the process had taken a toll on my body. I wouldn’t call myself an athlete by any means, but I like to be active. I like to feel strong and connected to my body.

Sitting at a jewelry bench for long hours year after year created back and neck issues that I still have to pay attention to.

Even though I weave seated at my floor loom there is so much more movement and the movement is much more relaxed. It’s coordinating feet and hands and keeping a clear mind so I don’t muddy the work.

I always listen to podcasts or music while I’ve weaving and it allows me to tune out the world. (I try not to listen to news podcasts while I’m at the loom.) I do the same when I’m painting, and it helps me get lost in the process. I always paint standing which adds to the movement piece of my new practice that I love. I move between my easels and my table while working on multiple paintings at a time.

These stretched handwoven “canvases” are part of a new series I’m working on, and I can’t wait to see where it takes me.

For now I appreciate not only the mental, but also the physical energy that goes into my work. Movement has become a key part of my process.